Newton le Willows & Patrick Brompton

Newsletter Issue 149, June 2024
Articles are updated in-line with newsletter distribution or on receipt by webmaster.
Page updated 10 July 2024
Newton-le-Willows would like to welcome the following new residents:

     Meg and James at Grassington

Samantha, James and Family at The Manor House

   Thank you, to Steve Coombs who has decided to step back from delivering the Newton News, having done so for
   many years.

   If anyone would be willing to pick up Steve’s round (approximately two dozen houses from the Station Road Bridge
   up to, but not including, Aysgarth School) please get in touch with one of the editors.

Date for the diary

Sunday 18th August 2024

Circus Skills York CIC

For more details please contact
Sue on 07946 412077

                        Heritage Open Days                                                                           Aysgarth Booking Information

     Aysgarth School is welcoming people to School at 10 am on September 14.  Guests will be greeted by our
     Archivist, Ted Haslam and given a tour of the School Chapel.  The Senior choir will then sing allowing our guests
     to hear the organ too.  A tour of the war memorials and the historic parts of the school will follow

     We will then invite everyone to the dining room for 
tea and cake in the dining room at midday.

P.I.N. future performances - Save the Dates

Friday, September 13 2024 - Jez Lowe, legendary singer/songwriter

Saturday, October 19 2024 - Northumberland Theatre Company's "Sherlock Holmes"

More details, when available, will be published on the P.I.N web pages here

The Village Bar (formerly called the Green Room)

   The Village Bar is located at the back of the Village Hall and, in the absence of a village pub, this is our “local”.

   It is a comfortable place to meet, with plenty of seating and a good ambience. There is a fully licensed bar, that is run by
   volunteers, on a regular basis for villagers and their friends - all are welcome.

   All profits go towards improvements and maintenance of the Village Hall. The Village Bar is available to hire for private
   functions, as is the Village Hall.

   Full details and booking information for both the Village Bar and Village Hall can be found on the village website.

Village Calendar 2025

     The Climate Change Group will once again be producing a village calendar, so get snapping your pics of wildflowers, fungi
     and fruit, in and around the village. Entries will be requested in September. All ages welcome to take part.

Village Hall News

  We are working on quotes for the leaking flat roofs; getting these repaired thoroughly is a major goal this year.

  The kitchen door sticking is a long-standing problem that has led to it being kicked or shoulder-charged, which
  has damaged it. If things go to plan, it will soon be repaired and eased. Meanwhile, if you are trying to open it,
  please apply pressure to the stronger outer frame rather than to the weaker beaded panels.

  Don Brown is working on bringing back quoits to the village after a gap of around 40 years. A suitable area has
  been identified and Don has marked out the first two pitches at the edge of the car park. He has been working
  with donated materials, but requests anyone who has spare steel piquets, flagstones or 4” x 2” lengths of timber
  to contact him on 01677 450895. He’s also looking for quoits. Does anyone know someone with some they
  don't use?

  We are of course looking for grants to help with repairs and maintenance, and with the quoits pitch.
  Fundraising ideas and offers are always welcome.

Regular activities at the Village Hall include:

Arts & Crafternoon: Tuesdays 2.00 – 4.00 pm

Table Tennis:  Wednesdays 5.30 - 6.30 pm

Choir: Thursdays 7.30 - 9 pm except first Thursday

WI: First Thursday of the month, 7.30 pm

U3A Guitar: alternate Mondays, 10 - 11.30 am


Newton Newts

   A rowdy session of Newton Newts was held on 17th May at Phoenix House.  David and Sue have a hazy memory of welcoming
   over twenty guests!

   With a vaguely Australian theme and a rather chaotic quiz, the guests enjoyed five Aussie wines and a sneaky Italian
   Pecorino.  History was made when Wine No 5 (Yellowtail Malbec) hopped into the lead ahead of the predictable No 6.

   Brave volunteers to host the next Newton Newts please form an orderly queue and present their credentials and references t
   to Sue 07946 412077.

Arts & Crafternoon

Come and join us ANY Tuesday afternoon in the Green Room of the Village Hall between 2pm and 4pm. Entry £1.50.

Bring your art or craft to work on whilst enjoying a cuppa, homemade cake and chat.

Non-artists and non-crafters welcome too!

For more information, please ring Margaret Pay on 451975 or Chris Percival on 450230.


     This is a reminder for residents that Newton le Willows has a defibrillator that anyone can use in an emergency.         It is located at the back of the Village Hall, near the door to the Village Hall bar.

     If you have a medical emergency, dial 999.  If necessary, the operator will instruct you to send someone to get         the defibrillator and will give you the code to enter into the number pad on the box.

     Once the box is open, you can access the defibrillator and take it to the patient. The operator will guide you
     through what you need to do - you will not be alone.  Upon activation, the defibrillator also gives clear, spoken
     instructions for each step you need to take.


     Help with energy costs - North Yorkshire residents can apply for a new grant to help their home become more         energy efficient.

     The Home Upgrade Grant phase 2 (HUG2) is available to help homes that are not on mains gas and have poor         quality insulation and inefficient heating systems.

     The grant can be used for improvements such as insulation and solar panels to air source heat pumps and               smart heating controls.  These will help you to save money on your energy bills and reduce greenhouse gas             emissions.

     To qualify for the new scheme, residents must have a household income of £31,000 or less and/or meet other           eligibility checks. Properties must also be technically suitable for the measures available in the scheme and have       a low energy efficiency rating (between D and G on an energy performance certificate).

     Private rented properties are eligible to apply although landlords must contribute at least a third of the total cost       of the upgrade.

     To check whether you qualify go to and search for: “Are you eligible for an energy
     efficiency grant

Thermal Imaging Camera

     The C.C.G has its own easy to use Thermal Imaging Camera available for anyone in the village to borrow. It is         available to people living in the village, for a nominal deposit of £10 (returnable) and can be kept for up to 48         hours. 

     If you are interested in borrowing the camera for scanning your house, either inside or out, or would like more         information please contact Don or Jean Brown 01677 450895.

Rock House Farm Shop

  On Saturday 10th February we will have some fresh beef available in the shop. This is in addition to our
  normal pop-up shops on the first Saturday of each month.

  Please follow us on Facebook or Instagram to see what events are happening on the farm and in the Farm Shop.

Instagram - @rockhouse_farm 

Facebook - @rockhousemeats

To contribute to Newton News, or send an article, please contact:


Sally Bright: 2 Bridge Close Tel. 01677 450999 



Rachel Gibson, The Arches. Tel. 07715 012014 



Helen McDermott: The Green, Station Road Tel. 07891062649



Rob Pulham: The Gallery, 1 Old Station Yard Tel: 01677 451901


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